
Welcome in my Pond!
New? Here you'll find some tips to easily jump around ...
1 - Free Stuff
- The Pond is divided in two parts, Free Stuff and Various. In the Free Stuff you will find, filed in different pages, some links which will take you directly to the site offering the free stuff.
- Beside the link, you will find the country of the site, (ie. it= Italy, de= Germany, nz= New Zealand, and so on). If nothing is written, it means either the site is an US site, or I forgot to write it... :)
- The date is the date the link is published in the pond. There are no expiring dates as every offer has a variable lasting date, from a few days up to months. If you come through an expired link, please let me know about. Anyhow, oldest links will be cancelled from time to time.
- Any link will take you directly to the page you'll find the stuff in, otherwise I'll specify the path. There usually is a form to fill: in case of an email-request, I'll specify it. There is a short table at the bottom of this page with the translation of the most requested data. Do not give you tel number. If the "Country" field is not requested, remember to put your country in the City field.
- I usually don't list offers requesting shipment charges or phase-2 offers. But please carefully check the offer before filling out the form as sometimes the factories change the terms, owing to the high number of requests they receive. Anyway, S&H are usually requested BEFORE the shipment of the stuff.
- Be patient. Be VERY patient. Some free stuff takes months to arrive.... and some do not arrive. Froggylandia is not responsible either for any inconvenience, or for changes stated by the factories. Froggylandia is not connected with the factories which offers samples and free stuff. Froggylandia DOES not send samples... please don't ask me about...
IT |
Cognome |
Indirizzo |
Città |
Stato |
DE |
Nachname |
Anschrift |
Ort |
Staat |
EN |
First Name
Last Name |
Address |
Town |
Country |
FR |
Nom |
Adresse |
CP |
Ville |
Pays |
2. Various
Here there are some Pond's room which are not dedicated to free stuff. You'll find the pics albums, the post offices, the shops, and above all the Click to Donate room: please visit it daily. You can do a lot with a simple free clic. Thanks.
3. Search
If you are looking for a particular kind of free stuff inside the Pond, there's a search page. You'll find the link in the left navigation bar. Just write what you are looking for, and it will show you only the links you are interested in. You'll also find a form to make your researches outside the Pond.
4.Get in Touch
The link is on the left side bar. There are some ways to get in touch with the Pond's inhabitants... write some ribbits in the guest book, or write an email. The Pond's Office is always open.
....Time to start clicking now... have a nice journey around the Pond... and if you need further help, we are here for you. Ribbit!
ps...oh, that little green jumping thing on the right takes you back to the page top....